Other Happenings

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh and didn't want to forget...

Today's veterans day too. I heard a lot of people getting mad about how people were just all "11 11 11!!" and that we aren't supporting our troops and soldiers. This post is for them! Thanks for all that you have done. :)

Yeah so...

Yeah so my friends took my phone and put that awkward post of there. I deleted it and stuff. I don't really find it funny cuz it's rly annoying but oh well. 11-11-11 11:11:11!!! Need to stay happy :)

11-11-11 11:11:11!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Okay, GOSH, I hate this. Okay, so my alert didn't pop up last week, and it wasn't until Sunday that I realized it. But, I had put off my homework until then... GAH, *bangs heads against wall*
Then, this week pops up and it's like four tests packed into two days, and now my grade is like majorly low GAH GAH GAH....
So, now I'm finding some time to post, and beg for forgiveness *goes on my knees* I'M SO SORRY...
I was going to vent here, but I guess my anger kinda went away because of how tired I am now.
There's not much to say; I don't really want to bring up my latest drama because it'll just get me mad all over again.
So, I'll just leave it at this, I really want to add a few more pages (tabs?) on this blog, and as soon as I figure out how to do that, I'll be adding them. I know no one really checks out this blog, but whatevs. See y'all later~!